小品屋> 明星资讯> 影评> 《福斯特医生第一季》好看吗


  1. 女主端着水杯上楼顺便喵了丈夫的手机一眼,走过去又折回来打开了手机。(女人的好奇心啊...)

  2. 深夜搜索how to tell if the husband has cheated问题,这世上许许多多同样无助又愤怒的妻子们啊,搭配着背景音乐响起The Mourning Bride的诗句。因为太爱这首诗了还找到英文附在了最后。于是想起广告狂人里Megan最后离开Don时说的话:I watch it decay. I can only hold your attention so long.是不是所有的男人都喜欢二十二岁的肉体?此时耳边放着赵雷的【三十岁的女人。

  3. 女主擅自做主就诊Kate,要求其脱去衣服,审视一番后言辞夸赞都是酸酸的。就这一点来说,福斯特医生最出彩的非女性心理描写不可。出轨题材的迷人之处或许正在于其中展露的人性弱点和黑暗面。手撕小三大快人心,原谅和报复之间的挣扎,婚前双方对各自缺点的遮掩(这一点艾略特早早就说过了啊,婚姻才提供真正了解的可能),熊熊怒火以及无法遏制的好奇心,唔我说不下去了。

  附:The Mourning Bride by William Congreve

  Is it my love?

  Ask again that question.

  Speak again in that soft voice.

  And look again with wishes in thy eyes.

  Oh, no.

  Thou can'st not.

  Can'st thou forgive me, then?

  Wilt thou believe so kindly of my fault, to call it madness?

  Oh, give that madness yet a milder name.

  And call it passion.

  Then be still more kind and call that passion...love.

  Hell, hell.

  Yet I'll be calm.

  Now the dawn begins...

  And the slow hand of fate is stretched to draw the veil, and leave thee bare.

  Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turn'd, nor hell like fury like the woman scorned.